Let’s start something beautiful.
Hello, my name is…
Sequoria (pronounced Sa-curry-yah) “Coco” Dickerson. I’m a Certified Herbalist who specializes in mental health & a Radical Self-Care Coach. I’m also an holder of my ancestral plant medicine iboga and offer private and group plant medicine ceremonies and entheogenic integration coaching.
I’ve been to nearly 50 countries studying, working, and praying with my feet, and I currently live in Massachusetts with my husband William and our six year old son, Tres.
I launched Route 2 Roots Wellness as a radical self-care movement rooted in healing from emotional insobriety and high functioning stress as lifestyles through the reclamation of ancestral practices and play. “Remember who you are and enjoy your life like you know it’s the greatest gift… that’s good medicine.”
Curious to know more. Keep scrolling to learn about the route that brought me here.
“Coco offered a comfortable and intimate space for participants to gather in community to learn and experience practical yet powerful self care tools. The group left feeling grounded, energized and empowered to find ways to integrate these tools in their daily lives.” Nicole A-T
Let’s Dig Deeper
From the time I was in 5th grade, I struggled with anxiety and depression. As I started going to competitive schools, I was indoctrinated into the western “work hard” culture promising opportunities and privileges that seemed otherwise out of reach for me coming up in the hood. I learned to excel in high stress situations and to wear over- productivity as a status symbol, all while growing up in a household with an alcoholic father who cheated on and beat on my mother, my siblings, and me. I learned to find safety in being hypersensitive to anticipating other people’s needs and accommodating their feelings to protect myself from their wrath. So I could be mentally prepared to perform well on tests at school, I learned to compartmentalize the stress of housing insecurity when my parents were divorcing and the places that welcomed my parents begrudgingly tolerating my sister and me. I learned to go numb to the heartache of not being close to most of my family as drug addictions, prison sentences, and countless baby mammas made emotional vulnerability, keeping up with each other, and intimacy hard.
I learned I would be rewarded for what I do, in as much as I was up for the challenge of competing with others to be acknowledged for my efforts. I learned to compete for scholarships, compete for jobs, compete for promotions, compete for funding with other nonprofits, compete to be heard... compete for the attention of men. The goal was to be exceptional; to look perfect, without looking like I was trying to be.
Until I learned all of that is some colonizer shit.
I struggled in silence for years about my mental health challenges with anxiety and depression. I’ve had to be willing to choose to walk a new path and to learn some new tools. Tools that feel right for me, aren’t a burden to hold, and celebrate blackness and ancestral wisdom. My route to wellness is rooted in no longer participating in my own oppression through limiting beliefs and constant questioning of my intuition in an effort to fit into someone else’s definition of health and wellness. My route to wellness is rooted in being who I’ve been waiting for, and that’s someone who looks inward first for answers and healing. In this journey inward, to my surprise, I discovered no brokenness, just the Divine recycling all of life’s challenges into resilience and growth.